Ker je Alja teden preživela v Parizu, sva oba nestrpno pričakovala vikend oddih, predvsem pa čas za naju. Z Brnika sva odšla naravnost proti morju in se zares ustavila šele, ko sva se nadirkala istrskih ovinkov in v Brestovi skoraj zadnjo minuto zapeljala na trajekt. Slabe pol ure sva skakala po palubi in se navduševala nad valovi, soncem, istrsko obalo, Učko in vetrom v laseh.
After spending the week in Paris and Ljubljana seperately, we needed some quality time together. As we cannot stay still, we headed on a trip to a wild island of Cres and a charming island of Lošinj. Far away from any internet connection, we bathed in the warmth of the spring sun, while being caressed by the sound of waves, wind and the smell of pine trees.
Že po prvih nekaj minutah na Cresu naju je narava povsem prevzela. Ustavila sva ob cesti in se sprehodila vsak s svojim fotoapartom v roki. Srečala sva nekaj pravljičnih bitij, narejenih iz ostankov drevesnih debel, nato pa tudi čisto pravega Igorja, ki naju je povabil v bližnje Filoziće. Majhno in preprosto naselje, visoko nad obalo, kjer si je uredil pravo umetniško komuno. Vse nama je lepo razkazal in razložil, a več v eni od prihodnjih objav.
Just after leaving the ferry and the port of Porozine, we realized we entered a new world. In a metter of minutes we had to stop the car and explore the sorroundings on foot. The trees, the bushes, the weird plants, abundance of rocks - everything felt different. We were met by some wooden fairytale beings and then by a real-life Igor, who invited us into the nearby village. Full of excitement we entered an old sheperds` town, where Igor and his family created a sort of etno-art farm, where artists from all over the world come to transform the local materials into works of art and indulge in great local food & wine. But more about that next time!
Just after leaving the ferry and the port of Porozine, we realized we entered a new world. In a metter of minutes we had to stop the car and explore the sorroundings on foot. The trees, the bushes, the weird plants, abundance of rocks - everything felt different. We were met by some wooden fairytale beings and then by a real-life Igor, who invited us into the nearby village. Full of excitement we entered an old sheperds` town, where Igor and his family created a sort of etno-art farm, where artists from all over the world come to transform the local materials into works of art and indulge in great local food & wine. But more about that next time!
Nadaljevala sva po glavni cesti in se ustavila na razglednem razcepu pred Predoščico ter ob pogledu na morje in otok Krk uživala v noro dobri čokoladni torti, ki mi jo je za rojstni dan spekla Aljina mami.
Not long after that, we stopped a second time to enjoy the magnificent view on both sides of the island and the wonderful chocolat cake that Alja`s mom made for my birthday.
Not long after that, we stopped a second time to enjoy the magnificent view on both sides of the island and the wonderful chocolat cake that Alja`s mom made for my birthday.

Vse je polepšal vonj po žajblju, ki se razrašča vse naokoli in ga pomladno sonce še dodatno krepi.
Along with the strong smell of sage, growing all around the place, it felt almost hypnothising!
Spustila sva se v mesto Cres, si privoščila kavo s čudovitim pogledom na morje in zaokrožila po ulicah starega mestnega jedra. Prevzele so naju stare, opuščene zgradbe, ozke uličice, poraščene škarpe in zidovi, visoke palme, razraščeni borovci in seveda kaktusi.
Then we went for a cup of coffee in the city, bearing the islands name - Cres. It has an old soul, a beautiful little port with narrow streets sorrounded by buildings with cracked facades and walls, overgrown with ivy. Huge palm trees and cacti only add to the laid back atmosphere.
Then we went for a cup of coffee in the city, bearing the islands name - Cres. It has an old soul, a beautiful little port with narrow streets sorrounded by buildings with cracked facades and walls, overgrown with ivy. Huge palm trees and cacti only add to the laid back atmosphere.

Pred skokom na naslednji otok sva se sprehodila še skozi zaspani Osor, kjer sva preganjala ovce, mačke in odkrivala ruševine starega samostana.
The last place before hopping to the next island of Lošinj is a small town of Osor. We caught the last rays of sun there, along with the sheep and cats and some more old buildings and even ruins of an abbey. First day well spent!