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Visit Krk

Ko se imaš lepo in si v svoji najljubši družbi, gre žal čas prekleto hitro. Komaj sva prišla na morje, sva že morala nazaj. Tolažila sva se vsaj s tem, da naju je pričakalo res kislo vreme, ki naju ni tako zelo vleklo na obalo. Presenetil naju je še premik ure naprej in spet sva morala hiteti. Vse sva pospravila in spakirala v rekordnem času ter dirkala v Merag, kjer sva zopet za las ujela trajekt.

When you`re having a great time in your favourite company, time just flies by. We only just came to Lošinj and we already had to head back home as the weekend was coming to an end. At least the weather got really sour, so leaving was a bit easier. We packed our things and raced our way to the ferry in Merag and got there just in time to catch it. 

Prispela sva v Valbisko in skočila še v mesto Krk. Skoraj popolnoma prazen in žalosten naju ne bi zadržal predolgo, če ne bi odkrila storžkov! To je bilo veselje tresti in snemati. Uf!

We landed on the third island of our weekend roadtrip, called Krk. And decided to spend a few hours to explore some of it. First, we headed to the main town, bearing the name of the island - Krk. Not very original, I know - Cres has its Cres, Krk has its Krk and Lošinj even has two Lošinjs. 
The beautiful city of Krk was almost empty and looked particularly gloomy on this cloudy sunday. But we found some cones on the trees that were a pure delight to shake and watch it release some kind of pollen. So that was fun!

V okrilju mestnega obzidja sva se še pošteno najedla v restavraciji Volsonis, nato pa končno krenila proti domu. Skoraj. Ustavila sva se le še v Malinski, natančneje v nekdaj najrazkošnejšem hotelu Jugoslavije in komunističnega sveta nasploh - Haludovo. Ko bi lahko stavbe govorile! Nikoli ne bomo vedeli, kaj vse se je tam dogajalo, a ob veliki priljubljenosti, razvratu, velikanskih denarnih vložkih, obiskih visokih gostov z vsega sveta, mu je uspelo bankrotirati v enem letu, nato pa životariti še 20 let, dokler ga leta 1993 niso dokončno zaprli. Danes je od nekdaj luksuzne stvaritve ostalo le še okostje, polno ostankov materiala, smeti, grafitov in zelenja, ki uspeva na pogorišču nekdanje slave. O vsem skupaj bova še pisala, za zdaj pa le nekaj fotk za pokušnjo.

Set in the town`s medieval wall, Volsonis restaurant made sure we left the place really stuffed. But before finally leaving the island, we stopped in Malinska`s best kept secret: a once most luxurious hotel of Yugoslavia and the communist world - Haludovo. Oh, if only the walls could speak! We`ll make a special post about it, but supposedly the parties there were so intense that the hotel went bankrupt in the first year, even though Penthouse`s founder Bob Guccione invested 45 million dollars into it. It has been abandoned for over two decades now and there is not much left of its original glory. Only the skeleton, a bunch of trash laying around, graffiti and all sorts of plants that don`t seem to mind growing in the most unusual places. 

Po deževnem Krku naju je Slovenija pričakala v soncu in nama olajšala prehod nazaj v resnično življenje. A lahko si mislite, da dolgo tu ne bova ostala!

After the cloudy and rainy island of Krk, we were greeted by the sun in Slovenia. Suddenly we weren`t so sad anymore, coming to such a wonderful place again. But you can bet we won`t stay put for long!

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